6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan, no immediate reports of damage

6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan, no immediate reports of damage

6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan, no immediate reports of damage


  • Buildings in Taipei shook briefly on Monday but the weather bureau says the tremors were felt across the island


  • Epicentre of the quake located off the island’s east coast, roughly halfway between Hualien and Yonaguni island in Japan


A 6.1 magnitude earthquake off Taiwan’s eastern coast on Monday briefly shook buildings in Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage.


The quake was felt across Taiwan, according to the weather bureau. It had a depth of 27.5km (17.1 miles) with its epicentre off the island’s east coast, roughly halfway between Hualien county and the southern Japanese island of Yonaguni.


Taiwan lies near the junction of two tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes. More than 100 people were killed in a quake in southern Taiwan in 2016, while a 7.3 magnitude quake killed more than 2,000 people in 1999.


Reuters. (2022, May 9). 6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes Taiwan, no immediate reports of damage. South China Morning Post. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3177030/61-magnitude-earthquake-shakes-taiwan-no-immediate-reports

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