Police investigating after girls filmed fighting in carpark

Police investigating after girls filmed fighting in carpark

Police investigating after girls filmed fighting in carpark; MOE says students have been disciplined


SINGAPORE - Disciplinary measures have been taken against the students seen in a viral video fighting in a multi-storey carpark, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Tuesday (Jan 18).

The video has been circulating on messaging platforms WhatsApp and Telegram.

In response to queries, an MOE spokesman said: "The school is aware of the incident and has taken educative actions, including counselling the students involved and engaging their parents.”

Giving an update on the actions taken, the spokesman said at around 9pm that this included counselling the students involved and engaging their parents.

MOE declined to reveal which school was involved.

He said the ministry takes a serious view on acts of violence.

“We note that the police are investigating the matter,” he added.

The police confirmed that a report has been lodged and investigations are ongoing.

The 30-second video shows two girls throwing punches at a girl in school uniform.

One of them pulls her hair, resulting in her falling to the ground. The girl then hits the student's head repeatedly and kicks her face.

A fourth girl, also in school uniform, can be seen watching the incident.

The Straits Times understands the incident took place a week ago.

Responding to ST’s queries, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School clarified that the students in the video are not from their school.

Auto, H. (2022b, January 19). Police investigating after girls filmed fighting in carpark; MOE says students have been disciplined. The Straits Times. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/disciplinary-measures-taken-against-students-seen-in-video-fighting-in-carpark-moe

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