Singapore Flyer suspended after 'technical issue' detected

Singapore Flyer suspended after 'technical issue' detected

Singapore Flyer suspended after 'technical issue' detected

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Flyer is suspending operations of its observation wheel after the detection of "a technical issue".


Its operator Straco Leisure said on Thursday (Jan 20) that the matter was discovered during a routine maintenance inspection.


It is working with the Building and Construction Authority to conduct the necessary inspection, repairs and rectification works.


The operator did not specify a date for operations to restart.


It added that it is working to contact affected customers with prior flight bookings.


They can also visit the  to register for a rescheduling of their visit date, or contact their booking agent directly.


Straco Leisure apologised to customers and business partners for any inconvenience caused.


The Time Capsule attraction at the Singapore Flyer building remains open from Thursday to Sunday and on public holidays.


Shops and restaurants at the building will remain open as well. But guests are advised to check on the operating schedules prior to visiting.


The Flyer, which is 165m tall and has a diameter of 150m, was officially launched in 2008.


It had suffered breakdowns on a few occasions in the past.


In 2019, it suspended operations after a technical issue involving one of the spoke cables occurred at around 9.40am on Nov 19, and all 39 customers on board were evacuated.


In early 2018, a technical issue forced the facility to shut down for two months.



Singapore Flyer suspended after “technical issue” detected,. (2022, January 20). AsiaOne.

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